Friday, August 12, 2005

red alert!!

luckily for kl folks the haze is finally clearing up
but unfortunately, we penangnites suffer from that coz haze's here!!
last night around midnight, i looked up into the sky and think it's kinda misty for a night..
but when i woke up this morning, which is around 11. what i feared for the last 24 hrs had come true.. haze's on it's way here.. it's kind of a displacement reaction in chemistry where a more reactive metal(eg copper) displace a less reactive metal(eg iron) from it's salt... in this case.. pg is the more reactive metal whereas kl is the less reactive one..hehe
now my only hope is classes are still on.. coz if they arent, we'll have to replace them on saturdays.. which is not good since it's my day out in the sun(haze)
nevertheless, i'm still glad for all kl folks.. god knows how they survive haze for that long.. i'm feel like dying already and it's not even a day....


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