what i learnt
dont procrastinate.
that's the lesson of the day
because there's a lot of consequences to bear.
unfortunately, that's the only thing i'm good at:(
will try not to do so. at least for the next two months.
two months and i'll be FREE!!!!!!
and i can now type in chinese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all thanks to lisa and a friend who nagged me to do so
and guys, 天龙八部 will start today!!!!!!!
it's on 8tv, 3pm monday to friday.
hehe. free ad for 8tv. they should pay me le!
can't wait!!! that means i have another half hour to get ready for the show!!!!!
it was on astro long time ago though
this is what pressure is capable of: to drive sane people like me to do weird stuff.
here's what i wont do even if u paid me last month. and i defended my calculator from the attack of stickers maniac(liew n angie)

i used my physics text book as the background. just ignore it. it's there plainly because my mom has yet to clean my table and i just finished the paper. focus on the pony.
my sister( ya, the one who's abt 10 years tounger and somehow her legs are as long as mine)
was eager to share( a trait that i don't have, hate sharing) her stickers with me
so i picked the least girlie one(the rest were BARBIES!! what choice do i have?)
and there's another one. i shopped in gurney with two half dead orchids in my hand. luckily there wasnt a lot of people at gurney yesterday. heh, din see any students lepaking there like us:P
the show will be on in 5 more mins. everyone MUST watch!!!!
will post it up later
time's running out
"Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only fucking yourself"
lol. this is the best quote i've come across about procratination. don't fucked up yourself. stop procrastinating.haha.
anyways, just so that u know, my middle name is procrastinate. lol
12:13 AM
dont use the f word la( u used it twice so that makes it 50 bucks to pay=fine)
u can put asterisk on it ma
wa.. now u can say (type) that word. poof! just like that
us really changed the shy person i know to a hot guys hunter:P
or it's because u're too sleepy to think?
but i think it's right le
1:06 AM
oops. sorry. i won't use the f-word in ur blog again. my bad.
also,i'm not a guy hunter! how many times do i have to tell u? ish. :)
2:21 PM
dont live in denial
we all know well that you are one
and a good one too:p
11:08 PM
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