Saturday, October 22, 2005

just came back from tuition
and there's at least 10 juicy photos that i can use to blackmail people one day!!
but i shall refrain myself from posting em up now
that's the cool thing about owning your own digital camera
you can take as many pictures as you want/like
as long as your memory card stil have space
i saw lots of msges on my phone
coz i left it in my car
(well, not exactly mine , my dad's)
and here's ty's( whom i have not spoke to for weeks) message:
i saw someone's face on the paper lo.."
i was hoping they have a decent photo of me
coz some people really have no skill la
and now, confirm have at least one d:)
coz when it was my turn up, a friend said reporters were taking pictures like hell
they all love the great!!
so back to tuition
took lots of pictures of the teacher today
without anyone noticing nor being embarassed
for details of me being publicly dimalukan
please click here
so i took tonnes of pictures which i will not post them all here coz it'll take centuries
plus i do not have so much time
i just saw clhs's school mag today
the sixth formers'
it's so so so totally beautiful
compared to ours lar
i know i sound like a pembelot
but really, i'm just telling you the truth
the pictures are great
all the drawings are amazing too!!
looks as if they're done by pro man!!
thumbs up to them!!
and i'm hoping very hard that i'll get my copy next week
*pray pray pray hard*
thank god someone promised to give me a copy
so i do have one now
it's a matter of time:p
and just to show you guys how great it looks,
click here
anf if there's one thing that our mag is better than theirs,
it's the amount of nice looking people we have i guess:P
no offence guys:)
and so
i shall end this entry
coz nkl said that my previous entry is so soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long
and hence this short one
actually i have to post this today coz the teacher said she'll drop by and say hi
iF she has the time
and i'm keeping my fingers crossed:p
sorry guys, but bloggers is having it's time of the month too
so there's no pictures here.
so it's all at here.
you should notice that multiply is back in shape again:)
good night everyone:), or should i say good morning???


Blogger pwee said...

hey, i went to her tuition before too...once... haha ;)

3:22 PM

Blogger chin kimg said...

newiep>>it must be illegal then
she doesnt teach frm 5 tuition
must be mien they all who smuggle u into her class:)

3:03 AM


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