Thursday, March 04, 2010

Chiang Mai!

Chiang Mai trip turned out to be a pleasant surprise!
Despite the fact that mom and dad chose the destination for the wrong reasons (they heard from our neighbours that Flight of the Gibbons is cool, and AFTER i booked the flight, they both figured that it's too DANGEROUS for me -______-) and also the fact that the trip was cut short to 2 days 2 nights (grandma had a fall on her chin, miscommunication led to me thinking about intracranial bleed and her admission to ICU did not calm down my nerves. She is fine now, thankfully), I enjoyed myself very much.

It was a nice and peaceful town. Weather was awesome too!! Even the dogs did not bark, what more trying to bite people (I have photos as evidences).I think the living things in chiang mai (people, animals and plants) all looked so serene and at peace. No wonder Kid (my roommate from first conferencec in taiwan) is so soft spoken. The people are mostly like her:) The place just seemed so calm. I just laze around doing nothing much. Unlike my other trips which are always packed, travelling with mom slowed down my pace too i think. Had too since she needs massage every few hours. out of the many things chiang mai is famous for (night safaris, elephant rides, chiang rai etc), I only managed to do one thing-- temple visits.

Doi suthep was my first stop. Followed by many other temples.
The architectures were amazing:)
And NOONE told me about the night markets! The things are insanely cheap!!
Maybe not insanely, but definitely cheaper than in Malaysia.
Would like to blog more but prefer to do so with photos (i can't upload them coz i left the cable at home):(
And the thai massage were very affordable too!
More to come when I return home.

Anyways, a summary of where I was for the past 5 days.
Penang-->KL-->Chiang Mai-->Bangkok (transit, 4 hours)-->KL(grandma at hospital)-->Penang (16 hours)-->Betong (16 hours)-->Malaysia (Baling, Bukit Kayu Hitam, 3 hours)-->Hat Yai (4 hours)--> Bangkok (FINALLY!!)

My initial plan was so simple (Pg-->KL-->CM-->BKK-->Pg)
So I am now in Bangkok, 2 days later than my initial plan but nonetheless, still here.
Better late than never:)
I won't be able to meet one friend but the rest will go as planned!!
Can't wait!