Friday, December 30, 2005

last post for 2005 i guess

i dont think i will blog tomorrow coz i am going out to bbq and
so this will be the last entry for the year lo
unless a sudden urge hits me between now till 4pm tomorrow which is unlikely
and even that i have to find tme to blog too la:p
i will think of my resolutions later
but i already have a few in mind
i have 3 minuetes left coz show will be on then
and i am reallt tempted to post pics
it's be long since i last posted anypics
and i want to show off all those fantastic pics i took during the apartment stay....
but that'll take more than 3 minutes.. opps
2 left
so i guess i'll see u guys next year then:)
and here's a big, huge,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for u all out there who have nothing to do and are just as bored as i am to read people's blog
have a great year ahead i know i will somehow;)
stay safe

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


01. 你的ID名: ckimg87
02. 为什么叫这个名: c = chin,kimg=kimg,87 是我出生的年份。
03. 你现在在听谁的歌: nita
04. 你今天最后吃的一样东西是什么:刚起床,还没吃东西。
05. 今天天气如何:不错,没有很晒
06. 戴隐形眼镜吗: 美,还不想,也不敢。还没必要。
07. 头发染色吗:从来都没有。黑色不错嘛!发质也不好所以不适合咯!
08. 喝酒吗: 不!!!!!连wine也没有也!
09. 抽烟吗: NO!!!!没有可能!!!
10. 你喜欢目前的生活吗:还好啦!并不是很喜欢,不过还不错啦。.
11. 喜欢的地方: europe,我想我要去那里一趟才会甘心
12. 一家几口人: 6
13. 你的星座:处女座
14. 比较感兴趣的星座: 不懂。
15. 比较恐惧的星座: 天歇吧!他们都很偏激!
16. 有几个耳洞: 2个,右上坐下。:p
17. 有暴力倾向吗: 一点点吧!
18. 你养过什么:本人对动物有恐惧感,所以不养动物。〈--佩雯的答案,很适合我!
19. 最喜欢喝什么: 白开水,SPRITE
20. 最讨厌喝什么:酒精,中西药,
21. 最喜欢的数字: 22
22. 每天做的最多的事: 看连续剧,上网,看书,睡觉!
23. 喜欢看的哪一类的电影: 动作片,一些喜剧等。
24. 最喜欢的卡通人物:kim possible, tom and jerry:)
25. 最喜欢哪个季节:香港的冬天:)不会太冷也不会太热!
26. 最喜欢什么水果: 草莓,pear, apple,starfruit,mango!
27. 最喜歡什么吃的東西:太难回答了!
28. 喜欢的冰淇淋口味:strawberry!!! chocolate and coffee
29. 最怀念的日子:中六及中五生涯
30. 相信一见钟情吗: 到现在,答案是步。也许会变。
31. 容易一见钟情还是日久生情: 不懂,not applicable.
32. 最喜欢星期几: mon-fri因为有连续剧!
33. 喜欢的运动: 超爱!
34. 最害怕的东西: 蟑螂!
35. 有来世你想要做什么: 我,但是要比较高!
36. 有嚼口香糖的习惯吗: ???
37. 擅长的事:这个容易。。考试!!
38. 你念旧吗: 是。
39. 最想做什么职业: 医生,如果可以的话。
40. 喜欢坐过山车海盗船之类的刺激游戏吗:当然!没胆坐的人不是年轻人!!
41. 自己一个人的时候会怕吗:不会吧!只是不喜欢一个人出去。在家还好。
42. 你觉得自己十年后会在哪里: 不懂。可能马来西亚吧!如果当医生的话。
43. 无聊的时候你大多会做些什么: 上网/看电视!
44. 你住的最远距离的一个朋友是谁:涂佩雯!
45. 如果送你一样东西,你最希望拥有什么:幸福:)
46. 最喜欢的颜色: 青
47. 有想过自杀吗:没
48. 通常几点上床睡:凌晨1,2点
49. 你的手机号码中出现最多的数字是几:4
50.喜欢QQ还是MSN还是其他(其他请说明名称) :msn
51. 有没有笔友:没有
52. 有没有作弊过:没!!佩雯说谁没有啊?答案是,我!!!我问心无愧!!
53. 如果一个长的很难看的男(女)孩儿说喜欢你你怎么做:高兴啊!:)有人喜欢我也!连我朋友都觉得我很难高,竟然敢喜欢我??勇气可嘉!
54. 你喜欢独自一人呆着还是喜欢很多人在一起:看时候吧!通常很多人在一起。
55. 你会说几种语言:4种,中文,英文,马来文,福建
56. 可以和分过手的旧情人做朋友吗:不懂,我希望可以。
57. 最喜欢另一半哪个部位: not this quizmeant for those attached?
58. 如果有人误会你你会怎么做:澄清,如果他们还是不懂,那算了。我不想跟白痴说太多话。
59. 目前有男(女)朋友吗: 没
60. 觉得同性恋如何呢: 我能接受。
61. 有纹身吗?在哪个部位: 沒
62. 说过最严重的谎话是什么: 我说的谎话都不严重
63. 现在心里最想见的人是谁: 韩国明星。
64. 想要几岁结婚: 一定要结吗?那28吧!
65. 今天心情好吗: 不错。
66. 能吃辣吗: 能
67. 哪个部位最怕痒:腰和手
68. 会经常迟到吗: late is my middle name
69. 会因为害羞而不敢跟人表白吗:还不知道,知道了再说吧!!
70. 你喜欢怎样外表的男生(女生): 当然是美和帅的啦!
71. 最不喜欢那种类型的异性:不懂!干吗问些奇怪的问题!谁是出题人??
72. 你希望哪个明星当你的男(女)朋友: takeshi kanashiro
73. 你会为了其他人做自己不愿意做的事吗:很少,看那人重不重要咯!我很自私的!
74. 你的第一个英文名字是什么: 没有。
75. 你是什么血型: O型,如果我是父母生的话。
76. 你挣到的第一个月的工资要怎么花: 到时再来讲
77. 你有写日记的习惯么:没
78. 你最喜欢什么天气:有凉风的晴天
79. 你对自己的身材满意么: 不!!太矮太肥了!
80. 跑完长跑你最想做的是什么: 休息。
81. 喜欢在论坛潜水还是主动发言:???
82. 用什么牌子的香水:oceanus from bodyshop
83. 世界上最好的事:和平
84. 你的皮肤白吗: 没
85. 你在QQ或MSN上经常隐身还是上线: 上线
86. 觉得自己的才华是什么: 好像没有
87. 有没有认错人过: 有啦!谁没有啊?
88. 觉得自己最大缺点是什么: 懒
89. 你容易相信别人吗: 很容易
90. 你有大男人(女人)主义吗: 有,一点点吧!
91. 喜歡哪國: 太多了!
92. 你是完美主义者吗: 是吧!我是处女座的也!看情形啦!
93. 如果着火了你一定要抱走的东西是什么: 人!
94. 你觉得爱情是什么:love
95. 你容易感动吗: 是
96. 你想对自己说什么: 是时候去洗个澡了。哈。〈--佩雯那里抄来的
97. 港台音乐/日本音乐/欧美音乐你最喜欢哪个: 港台吧
98. 現在最想做什麽: 打篮球
99. 現在最想說的話: 没有。
100. 发表完后什么感觉:很难打!终于可以冲凉了!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Apartment Stay

it was fun!wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i reached sri sayang at 4pm.
xiao mei was nice enough to drive me there though she doesnt know the road plus it was a very far journey.:) so here's a big thank you to you!!!!!!!!!!!!
there were about 10 people there when we arrived and after i changed, i dragged 6 people with me to the beach and we played volleyball there.
we managed to throw a girl into the sea but to my dismay, she had her hp with her so me and another 2 guys are now still in trouble,coz her hp got soaked in sea water for 3 minuetes plus the girl said she worked hard to buy the phone
die die die..
and now i am waiting for my verdict.......................................please pray with me now..
so i accompanied her to search for a hair dryer lo........from my experience, it is possible to save the phone, but if the phone is nokia la.. so let's hope sony ericsson ones are as good as nokias..
and we went back to the apartment 604.
finally, it was decided that she'll walk to the nearest hair saloon to use the hair dryer with a group of people..
then we watched tv till 7pm while some guys prepared for the barbeque.....................
yes, we had a barbeque at the beach at 730pm.the barbeque was okay but the real fun only begun at about 9pm..............
we had the campfire i want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, sort of anyway. we lighted candles, and then sat in a circle and played games, all of which i think are not challenging at all coz i figured all the answers out so soon and had tp wait for others to guess... later, we sang and sang and sang all through the night will 3am!!!!!!!!!
chih yong the teacher, played guitar and we sang along. can u imagine that picture? a sroup of people sitting around a candle, one playing guitar, while the rest sings and the weather 's nice!!!!!!!
the sky's beautiful that night, we can see lots of stars clearly!!!!!!! i was tempted to lie there and watch the sky but i didnt.. what a regret!oh, and there was another group of people who went there to bbq that night. one of the guys came over and said wanna join us to sing:P know why?
coz we all sing beautifully! especially me;P at first we had some ermm misunderstanding with the group of people earlier in the evening but later, they were nice enough to lend us their equipment, it's something like what u see in the survivor show..the wooden stick which everyone has one and which they lighted during tribal council le..
went back to the apartment about 4am coz chinyong said he had to get some rest:p and then we played cards till around7am.. yes.. i didnt sleep all night.some got some rest and woke up later.
7am, i took lots of nice nice pictures from the very top floor,33rd floor. the view is not really breathtaking, but it's one of the nicest i have seen in ages..
then, i got 4 guys to change and we went to the beach again!
this time, i really enjoyed myself!
we played volleyball, as in really play them and also monkey!! hehehehehe.. when more people woke up and came down to join us, we played another game which is when the tragedy occured.
i have played basketball for so many times but i have never, and i mean it, NEVER suffered and injurie. but of the few time i played volleyball, this is what i get, my left thumb and index fingers got sprained!!!!
that explains why i never online till now, coz i cant bend the fingers..
later on that..
i cant seem to fully enjoy myself by that time and so i sat at the beach and look out to the sea lo..
then at about 10 30am we bathed and packed our stuff.
my bro was nice enough to drive agian all he way there to fetch me though he said he only had 2 hours' sleep the night before and i told him, i didnt even shut my eyes for more than 2 minuets at all!
whatever my bro said on the way home was a blur, what i remembered was he kept telling me about his life lo.. and i kept saying yalo yalo here and there
reached home at 1210pmand rushed to my room after grabbing a piece of bread and changed into my pjamas then dozed off straight away. woke up at 7pm, smsed yj to tell her that i cant go to ty's church coz my fingers were hurting like hell and then slept again at 10pm
woke up the next day that is yesterday, at 12pm.
yes.. i slept more than 12 hours excluding the 7 hours before.. scary... it's been long since i last stayed up all night...i used to stayed up to play cards or during camps.... nice old days!!

yesterday was full of mahjong playing. my bro's friends came over and they taught me how to play mahjong. i can proudly say now i know how to play mahjong, i am just way behind in calculating money nia coz we didnt gamble mer..
then i went out with teh and yj at about 1030pm. we were suppose to go to a cafe called rice but we cant find the place so instead, we went to cosmic instead. that was the mistake. lots of people smoke there but i beared with it. but then, we noticed more and more people rushed to the other side of the building mer so i knew what was coming.....
a gang fight! i saw people holding beer bottles and also helmets and i said.. let's go
and then teh drove us to gurney where we had coffee at starbuck till 1230am.
met sidney there but actually , teh already knew about him being there before she suggested we go to gurney so sidney thinks we went there coz he's there:p
cannot believe it right? anyways, when teh drove past sunrise mcd, we saw an ambulance stopped there and people gathered around someone.. sigh... another fight i suppose or accident.

and now, i will list down all the trouble /obstacle if u have ur left thumb and index finger sprained, from a right handed person's point of view:-
in the sequence of events la
1) i have to stop playing volley ball lo i.e. cannot have fun. ish
2) i cannot bathe properly!! cant even wash my face, hair body etc.....ishhhhhhhhhhhhh
3) have troblw wearing pants that has a zip
4) can only carry half as much as i usually can
5) cannot TYPE !!!!!!!!darn!
6) had to endure the pain!!!!!!!!!
7)cannot use the fork while eating.
8) the rest of the left fingers might get cramps
9) need assistance while cutting tuna puff

and that's it for today, my fingers have yet to fully recover, and i can feel the pain coming back
future docs who are reading this, any advice???

P/s:i am too lazy to check my spelling and grammars so please forgive as my fingers are getting tired..and seriously need to brush up my grammar:P
pp/s; we should do this more often so anyone who wants to organise an apartment stay please tell me i can let u know what u'll be needing :p
ppp/s: thank you tst for lending me the volley ball coz without it, the stay would be less fun but can u get a water proof one ?? coz we want to play water polo la:p yes i know u are suffering like hell at that time but u are nice enough to dig up for me so now i know u are not that bad after all:P

Friday, December 23, 2005

23 dec 2005

in less than an hour,
i'm leaving for sri sayang for a one night apartment stay
yeah yeah
i am reall excited to the extent that
i only slept at 2 am yesterday
and woke up at 930
it's considered very early for me
so anyways
i havent pack yet
not that there's much to bring
only one night
the weather's good
we can have campfire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's been VERY long since i've been to an apartment stay
and i missed campfire the MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it wont be as big as we used to do
but a small one is sufficient to satisfy me
i think i have the tendency to blog last minuete before i go out
maybe it's becoz i can feel the adrenaline kua
and need to spill it out!!!!!!!!!
it's gonna be a nice christmas for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant wait to throw some people into the sea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, there's a beach there!!!!!!!!!
can u tell that i am excited?
can u?
can u?
time's up
pack, bath and off i go!
see u all in 2 days' time

Sunday, December 18, 2005

dec 2005

in less than 15 days i'll have to get used to writing dates ending with 06 instead of 05
time flies
still remember the time when i just finished spm
went to this quite interesting camp called TAP-Top Achievers Programme
with sue lyn where i met lots of people from other school
that was the first time i talked to some of the brightest students i have ever met
and they are not just academically inclined,
they are also the future leaders of the country
one guy whom i forgot his name
said that his ambition was to become the prime minister of malaysia
yes, he's a malay
that was the first time i had real conversation with so many malays
coz none of my friend were malays mer
plus made some good friends
whom i still keep in touch with
and some who read my blog:p
the camp was FOC
it was organised by MMU
and MMU paid for everything
had a blast there
especially during last night where we stayed up and played truth or dare
it was nice
a real exposure for me
before the camp
i used to think that malays are not as good as chinese
which i now KNOW is so wrong
they have some of the brightest people i know!!
just that i dont meet them in my normal life
after the camp
i went to Hongkong to celebrate christmas and new year
with joe and jiahling+family
and frankly speaking
that was the greatest christmas and new year i could ask for
a big thank you to jl's parents for sponsoring us
and also brought us to lots of nice places to eat!!
and also jl la
coz she asked mer:P
anyways,hk is nice!
must go if u have the chance
that was 2003
and now
here i am
two years later
graduated from form 6,
a place where i despise when i was 16
a place where i swore would not enter no matter what
but i guess nothing is certain
i chose to enter form 6
coz i cant make up my mind
hoping that in two years time
i would have a clearer picture of what i want to be
yes indeed i got what i want
maybe more
coz i made some of the greatest friend that think will last forever
plus i got my first place
it's an honour
yes it is
never thought so many things could happen in 2 years time
plus i think i have grown taller to 180cm and also fatter la
met some the greatest teachers
went to kl with classmates
visited places i never thought i would
eg, 8tv:P
let's see
what else have i accomplished?
-graduated from form 6 without any serious mental damage
check--MAJOR achievement
-finished form 6's syllabus in like a month??
well, most of it anyway
-celebrated my 18th birthday with a group of friends
i am finally 18!!!!!!!
look out, world.
and i still have 10people who at least pretend to like me
and go out for dinner with me on my BIG night
though it's my treat
maybe they just want the free dinner??
-i banged my head and recovered
in a week, and still managed to remember all my physics facts
so that means i'm alright
-started 5 blogs/online journals
namely multiply,blogspot,friendster,msn and another one which i dont want to tell here:P
-took 10 times the amount of pictures i have taken in the first 16 years of my life
-overcome dwarfism
-won the title THE GREAT
-spend bucks on shopping
much more than i probably should
-fell sick for numerous times in a year(2005), probably more times than i did in 16 years
this u can verify with my classmates, opps, ex classmates i mean
-spend like at least half of the year online,
the other half includes sleep,eat,study and bathe
-read like 10 books half a month, all of which are more than 250 pages:p
-ice skated for thefirst time, without falling
-picked up tennis
- and also a bit of yoga
i'll add more to the list later,
i.e. that's it.

it's been a month since my last paper,i.e. the super easy physics paper 2
and there's nothing really interesting going on in my life
the only thing that i have done is made my new ic nia lo
that's all.

still in a dillemma
dont know what to do
which univ to choose from
which course to go bla bla bla
and staying at home everyday
summary:i am bored

and apparently
teh is obsessed with christmas coz she asked me to shop for christmas presents
siao ar
and i told her
only christians have to buy christmas presents:P
but i have bought somehthing for u la okay
and i am so lazy to upload all the pictures i have taken
maybe i'll compile all of them into a photoalbum
but then again
it takes time le friend.
till then
merry christmas and happy new year
may everyone get what they wished for
and accidents dont happen so often on those close to me
everyone are happy and contented with their life
as for me
i hope i get nice presents for christmasand hopefully
i can make up my mind soon
and get scholarship for what i want to study

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


reading fictions is my favourite past time
i read both english and chinses books
but mostly english
so i cant help but make comparison
u can easily distinguish the two
different authors have different way of espressing themselves
but still
the greatest difference can be seen between english writers and chinese ones
they seem to have different area of focus lo
at least that's what i think la
chinese tend to be more erm
and obviously
the things that the protagonist want is often different
i think a more widely seen example is taiwanese drama and hongkong's and western
very different
i prefer chinese songs la
somehow the lyrics are more touching lo
or perhaps that's becoz i know chinese better kua
but then again
i love english movies and books compared to chinese wor
crying while i read is sort of my habit
so i'd rather read in the vincinity of my room
fyi, not just romance book can make me cry
chinese books tend to be the same lo
the same writer's style is always the same
i'm not saying that it's a disadvantage
but sometimes
reading something different is more interestng ma
so i like to read english books more
especially sci fic;p
but chinese's wu xia xiao shou arent that bad either!
i just simple LOVE them!
but it takes time to read all the good ones
they are too long..
but still
english books offer a greater variety ma
then why my command of english still so bad?
dont ask me, i'm trying to find out why
i read just plainly because i enjoy it
not because i want to learn the language
but somehow
many chinese songs can really touch my heart le......
oh btw.. if you cant understand any of this
it's alright
most people cant get what i want to say
unless they really know me
i tend to jump here and there while i talk
and it's even more obvious when i blog
i tend to get drifted away
i am envious of those who can organised their thoughts clearly
though it's my own kind of diary,
still it would be nice if i can write nicely ma
so the conclusion is
i love reading very much though i'm not a very good reader lo
i dont really judge a book
like how i s*** at judging a movie or a food is nice
i just love to read, that's it, full stop.
yup, i enjoy reading books on biology and physics too when there 's pressure
i.e. exam or competition.
that's the period where i learnt most!

just watched aeon flux
and i have decided it's WAY better than mr and mrs smith
i just love action movies like that
jackie chan's in my list of least favourite actors:p
today is quite eventful
but tomorrow's THE day!!!!!!!!
will blog about it
IF i have the mood
and not too tired!!!!!!
i'm just blogging simple because i cannot hold back my excitement!!!
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

nice lyrics

the song's quite old
but when i played the song again today
i decided to put this up to share with u all
for those who like him as well
maybe it's been long since you last played it
so play it now la:)
for those who can play it in the piano
even better!
some of the lyrics are actually quite meningful lo..
but you have to encode it to chinese simplified:)
those who cant read chinese, it's still a nice song la
Album:fantasy plus


hope you enjoy it!:)

bored out of my wits

yes i am
i dont want to go back to the days after SPM
where i woke up at 3 pm
had luch at 330pm
and then slept at 3am!
so the solution?
get a job right?
not so easy
coz now all the good jobs are taken le
good as in good pay and some more interesting
sure i can grab a job at the malls
but i REFUSE to do so
there's nothing to learn there ma
except maybe
customers are always right
i want a job that is both very rewarding financially and mentally
if the hospital would pay me 1000 i would go lo
and if they have a vacancy that is
someone managed to know something before i evem tell her
not bad
i have a new blog la
nothing new
none of my friends know about it except one nia
so u better be honoured
nothing new here
and i am still lazy to upload all those graduation dinner pictures
got a few up at my friendster account
i hate uploading pictures here
though it's better if i post here
coz there's a correlation between what i write and what i see ma
plus it'll be cool if u have pictures in your diary ma
but bloggers somehow managed to have pms every single day i want to post my pics
deep down
there's this dilemma
and i'm so so lazy to write it out
a lot has been going on in my house
but i'm still bored
read a few books that i ta pao-ed from my aunt's house and some from the star's office
all my time are either spent on net surfing or reading books or watch tv
that's it
so simple can yet i'm not contented
i want to go kl again!!
i miss ice skating!!
and now i cant find kakis to play basketball
all those piano pieces still waiting for me to play
and i'm still so lazy
i am now trying to be a better person by not saying sh**
i'll use CRAP to substitute the other word
that's only a tiny bit of my thought

i might as well write it down here
mom said if i cant get into UM's med
then she can find a way to get me to do med
my reaction was
dont waste your time
i would rather not do med than go there
but mom said
russia's too far
and too cold
you'll shiver to death
and that's where the yelling start
so to say that there's no drama would be wrong

i have told them since the very beginning
i can do other things other than med
it's not the end of the world if i cant do med
but if u want me to go to india just so i can do med
then well
i might as well go s'pore and do physics
i know i am a spoilt brat
bla bla
but it's my choice right?
i may regret and wonder what will happen if i take med
but i really prefer a easy life and not go to india
living abroad's already tough
and they still want me to go to a place where i cant speak the language??
they dont ask u to go for a tamil course if u want to study there right
maybe i'm discriminating
but if choosing med means i have to suffer for a few years in my life
then i would let go of my passion
contradiction isnt it?
if i can let it go so easily,
maybe it cant be considered as my passion right?
but me being the person who gives up easily
not persistent
this is really very few times where i insisted on something lo

i am keen to do med
and if the opportunity is given to me
i will choose med over anything else
that was what i thought
but then when my mom bring up the india thing
i was like
if doing med means i have to go through all those,
then sorry
no way
no offense la to those people living in india
maybe india isnt that bad la
but i just dont want to go there
it gives me the creeps la
yes now u know a slight bit who i really am
very choosy
want this and want that
very greedy
i always believe that
things happen for a reason
they dont just happen
there msut be a reason for it la
at least that's how i look at the brighter side of things;)
assuming that i cant get a place in med
then maybe physics holds a brighter future for me right?
or am i just trying to deceive myself and everyone?
of course i will be disappointed coz being a doc is kinda my dream
no matter how heavy the responsibilty is
i hope time will make me more prepared for it
but still
i love physics as well
it's just that between the two
i would choose to be a doc
i thinki have to be thanksful coz at least i can choose my 2nd love
some people dont even have the choice
so no big deal one
let time decide
and we shall see what happen
so in the mean time
i'm sitting here waiting
that's what lazy people say
MOST people said
there's no such thing as free lunch
u have to look hard
and once u're sure of what u want
go ahead and do
but in my case
i'm thinking
if i cant get a med place in local univ then that's it
no more day dreaming about doc liao
coz i dont want to burden the family ma
some said
ur family can afford ma
yes they can
they can afford to send me to imu
but if theyr eally do thatr
i would feel bad
how about my other sibllings?
if getting the best results meaning spending the most money
than i should have let my grades slip
i didnt work hard so that my grades are good
i never work for an exam thinking i want to be the first
it just happened
dont ask me why
i also dont know
except for public exams where i really study last minute so that i can get a good results
but i was let down
no matter how good ur results are
or how active u are in co-cu
no matter how deserving u are for the scholarship
btw,i'm not talking about myself
if the luck isnt on ur side
then sorry
too bad but the place goes to another person
some said it's unfair
but i judge it differently
life is never fair
some may say this is fair
others might not agree
so why argue over whether it's fair or not
i let it go
whatever happened,it happened for a cause ma!
this is the typical answer a lazy bum like me will give u
maybe those who are our total opposite maybe successful in their life later on
but we the lazy bum are contented ma
it's just a matter of choice really

everytime i think i have no mood to wirte
somehow all the things just flow out

Saturday, December 10, 2005

i think i'm losing interest

to blog i mean
and i actually thought i will not stop blogging after stpm
erm to blog non stop would be a better phrase
coz so many things are still in my mind
just waiting to be written down
or maybe it's because my mind refused to work anymore
after the strenous stpm,
toughest and undeniably the hardest i have worked for any exam so far
( that's exaclt what i said for spm before stpm)
it's kinda strange u know
when i was so busy preparing for stpm
my mind was not flooded wih formulae
instead it's overflowing with ideas
what i'm gonna blog about
what i have observed
maybe it's because i have talked a lot after stpm
had a couple of long serious conversation with others
and with long i mean hours lo( and i usually need a bottle of water next to me:P)
sharing thoughts on matters that intrigued me
verbally or thru internet
truly, internet is a very useful tool
for me to speak non stop with my friends not around
or inconvenient for us to meet or call
without worrying about the bills
see, my house has three lines
and this month
one line alone has reached RM400
not to mention the other two
plus there's 3 hp in my house
so now u see why i say bills is a crucial part
i actually prefer face to face interaction
rather than thru the net
coz u can see peopls's face change with things u say ma
and u can see for real whether the lol is genuine or not
telephone conversation is also okay
at least u get to hear the tone or the pauses to think
it's just the bills
so overally
the best option is to come over my house and chat non stop lo
i dont usually pick up the phone and call people just to chat
so if i hapen to do so
please thank god
i only dialled a few numbers for that
and even that is not often
i had a major issue with bills when i was in foprm 3 and std 6
i can hog the phone for 10 hours non stop
i know it's quite scary
dont know what i was thinking
must be siao
but luckily those calls were not made from my house

and i think i have problem expressing myself in words
whether it's in english or mandarin
my mandarin is better
but i think i prefer to type in english
time saving see
that's the main reason
though there tend to be lots of spelling errors and grammaical mistakes
dont care
it's my blog
my space to conteng
so as long as i can understand what i'm trying to say
it's enough liao right

back to the face to face conversation
i like to talk to people
i do
especially having long talks about how u see things
it's interesting to hear people tell u their tale
and u will realise how different and how similar two people can be
u can make comparison between two very different individual
and it sometimes may surprises u
how strikingly different two person u think are the same
and vice versa
think i've blogged about that
had a few very decent conversation
expressed lots of views
but this is the problem i have
i do say what i think
but some friends do share what you call secrets with me
while i see those secrets as their worries and experience they have
some people are willing to share their experience by telling you the whole story
right from the beginning
if u know how to ask the details that is
i'm no expert in the field
but i think i have never been thru one life changing experience
so my only source is thru other people's life
like my friends said
my world is simple
same people everyday
and i dont think i have ever esperience the dark side of the world
what i do is just sit there and listen to what my friends had been thru
i am glad that my world isnt as complicted as them
though at times it seems so
and i'm grateful as they tell me about their stories
and this is where i learn my lessons
the real life lessons
it's still not considered as my experience until i face the same thing right
so till then
i still wish i dont get to encounter what some if my friends had to go thru
at least i have a glimpse at how the world looks like for others
and like i always said
no matter how happy the person may seem to you
he /she always has his/her own problem
it's up to you to decide whether
to see it as an obstacle or a way of life
some people who lead an easier life comparitively may see having less money as the end of the world
while others who grow up in a single parent family may regard having a roof over their head as no big deal
it's up to you really
i would like to say
i'm no expert
and there's lots and lots of new things out there that i have never heard of
and lots waiting to be learnt
i'm no wise person
in fact i'm the opposite
and dont bother to say otherwise
i'm not writing this to fish for compliments
it's just that
i want to share with you, my friends
that sometimes
you see things thru other people's eyes
like a window
there were lots of quotes that i have came across
but somehow too lazy to remember and copy now
or else
i would have lots to share

wish it's as easy to do as it is to type it down
i have to remind myself that all the time
and at times like this
blogging i mean
that i really sit down
and think over stuff
kind of like my own thoughts
think i'm very contradicting le
but arent we all???

told my friends before
people can just tell me their prob without a worry
but why cant i just open up?
i do have my own stuff to worry about
but somehow i think my greatest worry
isnt as big as what my friends have to tell me
it's just me
i just tend to bottle up my probs
but i do talk a lot
and say what i think
just not my problems nia
mien said
there have to be a time when i tell someone right
it's not the time yet
it's not that i dont trust u guys with it
it's just me that i have to get thru
and i always tell a friend of mine
u know who u are
knowing more means more burden
so sometimes if people dont want to tell u more
it's because they dont want you to bear the burden lo
i am willing to do so
coz after u've said them all out
trust me
u'll feel much much better
maybe there's nothing that your friend can do to help you
but just by listening
you will really feel more light hearted
at least it eases ut burden for a while
and plus
can see things thru a window of other people's house ma
ur eyes is the window in ur house
and others are windows in their house
u may see some things similar
but somethings u cant see from ur window
others may see it clear from their eyes lo
and if there's so many benefits in it
why cant i do it
i dont know
dont ask me
sometimes i convince others to do something that's good for them
but somehow i just have problem doing it myself
in the end
i'm the one staying in the same spot
while others had moved on
losing interest in blogging?
maybe not after all
once i started wrting think i cant stop lo
so typical me
like talking
maybe just have to overcome the inertia
maybe talking has less coefficient of static friction compared to blogging eh?
to those who understand what that means
u have not returned all you learnt to the teacher after all.
still have something in ur pockets!

i just realised
i tend to skip punctuation marks la
i dont get to see lots of full stops
exclamation marks are abundant though
see what i mean
it's my style
time saving again

and i hope it's as enjoying
for u to read this as it is for me to write it down:)

before i end
nkl just said something that i had been thinking for days to put down
"dont choose a course simply because you're good at it'
that is exactly what i'm trying to tell all my friends who advised me to
do research instead of med
and also
the perception of the best students doind med
is so so wrong
i may get all A s in exam
but that doesnt mean i'm good in handling patient
a doc requires more than a good brain
so does every profession
u think the good students who do wonders in exam are god??
then tell me this
why cant god clean a floor properly like the cleaning lady??
tell me??
people are judging those who want to be a doc too hrashly
shouldnt they do the same to others?
why discourage those who have the passion to pursue their dream?
you may criticise but give advise too la
dont just say cannot
then dont give any reason ma
enough of the complaining
time to eat.

Monday, December 05, 2005

and the story goes on

the camp was tiring
bla bla bla
and the kids are mischevious
but the self satisfaction that u get
seeing them growing
from badly behaved to well mannered kids
is so great
and the kids in my group are a bunch of nice kids
cute i would say
especially the boys who had fun in the camp
i was actually overwhelmed with emotions
i think i'm glad that i decided to go to the camp
learnt lots of things
and helped numerous kids fit into the camp
so i'm happy with myself!
plus i think the five of us ( the adults of the group)
worked great as a team
i'm so grateful to each and everyone of them
xinyi,yinyin,lihan and wilson
thanks ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
though our group maybe filled with problematic kids
but 'm satisfied with the outcome
you guys contribute to the fun i have had!
we went for MCD after that!
everyone gave in after i persuaded them to!
the mcchicken i ordered tasted like heaven!
there were 11 of us i think
at the sunshine square's mc D
at a point
sin yee started singing so loudly that her brother and friend moved to the next table
so funny i'm telling you!
after that went home around 11
reached home and that's when i started to feel lethargic
drained from head to toe
lazy to bathe

the next day
i woke up around 12
and started blogging the previous entry
my legs felt like working out in a gym for 3 hours
running nonstop

made my first tough decision
decided to take the ielts workshop right on the spot
so i spent my afternoon at idp
listening to the teacher talking for four hours non stop
half of the time oiwant paying attention
and it costs me 270 bucks

received a message from mayting in the middle of the class
asking whether to go for steamboat later
an hour after the class to be exact
decided to go after all

i was expecting a small table
mana tahu
when i got there
saw like already 6 people sitting there
all from the camp
and i was told there were more to come
but i was nice la
we talked till midnight
and then left
but that wasnt the end of my day
talked on the phone till 3 am
then only slept

and that's it
pretty short isnt it?
that's a summary( long one)of the past few days
did a lot of thinking actually
but decisions?
yet to be made
no one is out there to help me
even if they want to
they cant
coz it's my decision to make, my life to live
and so if i made the wrong decision
i can blame no one
but myself.

someone said that
it's easrier for those to tell u to go on with ur decision than
those who discourage you from persuing your passion
those who discourage you think more coz they think you should
opt for ur talent than your passion

i'm sorry, but i beg to differ.

passion and talent are different things
but if a person cant find his talent( i'.e me)
he should follow his passion isnt it???
and my passion is med
even if i'm not talented
i think i'll go for my passion
some people encourage me to take what i want
but some others said
close friends i would say
think that i'm not suitable to become a doc
i'm more inclined to be in the research field
but at the end of the day
it's me who make the decision
and i hope you guys out there are there to support
this one huge step i take
IF i do take it la, that is
so that's all for the day

Sunday, December 04, 2005


it's been a while since my last entry
maybe not that long
but a lot has been going on for the past few days

30th nov
took a 1030am bus from kl back to penang
very boring
5 and a half hours awake without talking is a torture to me
i wont try it another time
plus i dont have any mp3 or cd player
so u see
mp3 is a necessity if u travel alone
maybe i'll nag my mom to get me one

reached penang about 4
and visited my granny at the hosp
she was admitted into gleneagle medical centre because of her astmma
but she's feeling better now
so no worries

1st Dec
woke up early
went to the school to get report cards and leaving cert
then left with chin ying to than siang temple
(FYI, i was going for a camp of four days
supose to be helping to take care a bunch of kids aged between 9 to 12 max)
i wasnt the one driving
i dont drive, remember
anyways, thanks a lot to chin ying

got there and it's a day before the actual camp
we were suppose to be there a day earlier so that we can learn stuff to teach the kiddos
eg songs, how to pray and how to deal with kids
the last one is not so helpful
u'll see what i mean later

stayed there till 9 pm
which left me exhausted
lack sleep very very badly by then
but i met lots of nice people there
interesting in fact

2nd dec
went to than siang temple again, early in the morning, around 7am
reached there and help to get the kids into groups
oh, kids HATE it when u call them kids!!
HAHA so like once upon a time me
and it was a MESS
kids everywhere
but at elast they dont cry
240 kids and only 45 adults tpo deal with them
ratio of 1:5
may seem possible to you right?
i was expecting the task to be a breeze
but oh man
how wrong i was!!!
i even said to my partners, we work in a team of five
"come on, how hard can it be to deal with them for 3 days? simple la"
the answer is
and i mean it

left around 11 after all thge kids settle down
coz i have dinner at night
with nothing to wear
and nothing means
no dress, no shoes, no accessories and hairdo plus make up
the dinner starts at six
so that leaves me 3 hours to shop for all those

and guess what?
i made it!!!!!!!
by 3 pm
i have managed to buy dress, heels, and accessories
plus handbag
FYI, i do not have a dress, heels and handbag until then
as u can see
i'm not a girlie person ma
back to the preparation
went to joe's hse
and then left together got ariel's hse
but before that
i ate joe's mom's curry bread
which is NICE
NIce nice
some more home made wor
went to arie's hse and there's this make up artist there
after that went to davines for hair
all that cost me 50
i wanst willing to pay that much for a night
but what to do
last minute i decided to go
so "bo huat"
have to pay lo
dinner was okay nia
the setting was nice
and i know all the committee worked hard to make the event a success
but how fun can a dinner ( prom) be without a prom queen or prom king?
plus no dance floor!!!!!
this i cannot tolerate!
still can dance wiothout guys one ma

everyone really dressed up
so i didnt regret for dressing up too
if not
i'll look so so put of place
took pictures bla bla bla
i would've prefer to spend that kind of money on a trip la
more fun
or a barbeque by the beach
even more fun
plus walking in heels are no easy task
luckily i didnt fall
but my shoes are gone now
coz i do not know how 2 wear one ma
that was the first time i wore heels and use a handbag instead of a sling bag
lots of first time for me
i spent arounf 500 bucks on a single night
a lot right
gila me

went home early and didnt join the crowd to go pubbing and hang out at startbucks
my reason???
i'll be going to temple next day friend
cannot drink one
our religion tells us not to
yup yup
so went home and started packing AGAIN

3rd dec
the real nightmare begun
due to 2 hour walking in 2inch tall shoes
my legs were killing me
and still are
during the camp
we were not suppose to use the lift and instead have to use the staircase
so up and down we went
1st floor and fifth floor
up and gown looking for missing and sick kids
taking what they left in rooms, namecards, files, etc

now out to have lunch
more on the camp later
to be cont...
stay tune