for 3 days.:)
Woke up at 1pm and lunch was served.
I miss home cooked food so much for the past few weeks!!
I don't need to crack my head to think about what to eat.
My mom seemed to know what I like best.
Chose to stay at home and play a bit of piano instead of going out to Queensbay.
Thought I had done quite a bit of shopping during the holidays (Chiang Mai, Bangkok and Taiwan) and also yesterday (finally got myself a new purse that I seriously need one. And another dress that I don't exactly need <3)
I hope this purse can stay with me longer. At least until I am sick of it or it becomes too dirty that my friends cannot stand it any longer. PLEASE don't go missing again!! I lost 3 wallets in the last 4 years. ALL THREE WERE STOLEN. What luck.
Two were gifts from my friend and mom. The one that I bought myself was from Harajuku in JAPAN :(
And somehow, I tend to lose my purses when it is LOADED with CASH. I think the amount of cashI lost totals up to the price of my 2-week old Asus laptop which was stolen together with my second purse. At that time, I was more heart broken over the fact of losing my favourite backpack. I can't find any backpack that I like after that. And I actually took GREAT care of it!! Still looked brand new. I only borrowed it to my brother for his Bangkok trip. I wonder why the theft stole it out of the many bags placed at the same place because some of my friends claimed that it looked like a bag from Chow Kit.
I don't like to buy new purse/backpack/watch/handbag unless I really have to. I think it's because I hate making decisions. It's not the same as clothes, dresses, shoes and accessories where you can buy as many as you want since you can wear/change those everyday.
Mom called from QB and asked:
"Do you want Pringles? or chocolates???"
:)Parents know me best!!
Somehow they only approve of Potato Chips in boxes and chocolates. We were not allowed to eat junk food since we were young till I was in Standard 3. After that, I became smarter and had my own pocket money. So we bought junk without telling our parents hehe.
Going to KL tomorrow. I hope my desk is sitting in my room by the time I get back though that's very unlikely. Don't they know that I need to online medical students need to study 24/7 and a desk is like a bed to them? Perhaps more important than a bed.
If I keep doing what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks (lying prone on my bed with the laptop placed at the same level as the bed), I will need a referral to an orthopedic surgeon. Dear manufacturer, please send the study tables as you've promised the people at the office. Dear officers, please don't laze around and send the tables straight to my room once it's available. Thank you very much.